Public Hearing - Rosina Rood Products, Inc. (rescheduled from prior date)
Pursuant to Article 18-A of NYS General Municipal Law, the Erie County Industrial Development Agency (the "Agency") will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, at 11:00 a.m., local time, at the Town of West Seneca Community Center and Library (Small Conference Room) at 1300 Union Road, West Seneca, New York 14224, regarding the following matter:
Rosina Food Products, Inc., a New York corporation and/or Individual(s) or Affiliate(s), Subsidiary(ies), or Entity(ies) formed or to be formed on its behalf (the “Company”), has submitted an application to the Agency (a copy of which is on file at the office of the Agency) requesting the Agency to undertake a certain project (the “Project”) consisting of: (i) the acquisition by the Agency of a leasehold interest in certain property located at 3100 Clinton Street, in the Town of West Seneca, Erie County, New York, and all other lands in the Town of West Seneca where, by license or easement or other agreement, the Company or its designees are making improvements that benefit the Project (the "Land"), and the existing improvements located thereon, consisting principally of the Company's existing approximately 105,000 square-foot meatball production facility (the "Existing Improvements"); (ii) the construction on the Land of approximately 32,000 square feet of additional space to accommodate a new meatball processing line (the "Improvements"); and (iii) the acquisition by the Company in and around the Improvements of certain items of machinery, equipment and other tangible personal property (the "Equipment"; and, together with the Land, the Improvements and the Existing Improvements, the "Facility"). The Facility will be initially owned and operated by the Company.
The Agency will acquire a leasehold interest in the Facility and lease the Facility back to the Company. The Company will operate the Facility during the term of the lease. At the end of the lease term, the leasehold interest will be terminated. The Agency contemplates that it will provide financial assistance to the Company for qualifying portions of the Project in the form of sales and use tax exemption benefits and mortgage recording tax exemption benefits, consistent with the policies of the Agency, and a real property tax abatement (the "Financial Assistance").
A representative of the Agency will be present at the above-stated time and place to present a copy of the Application and hear and accept written and oral comments from all persons with views in favor of or opposed to the proposed Financial Assistance. This public hearing is being live-streamed and made accessible on the Agency’s website at Written comments may be submitted at this public hearing, submitted on the Agency’s website, or delivered to the Agency at 95 Perry Street-Suite 403, Buffalo, NY 14203 until the comment period closes at 4:00 p.m. on March 25, 2025. The Project Application is available for public inspection at the Agency’s offices Monday through Friday (excluding public holidays) from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
This public hearing is being conducted in accordance with Subdivision 2 of Section 859-a of the New York General Municipal Law.