ECIDA tax incentives are not grants or lump sums of money "awarded" to businesses from an exisiting source of taxpayer revenue. To receive ECIDA tax incentives, a business must first make a large capital private investment that creates job growth and tax revenue. Redeveloping an abandoned historic building, adding a new manufacturing facility or investing in new equipment for a large contract are all examples of the types of capital investments that ECIDA incentives can help bring to fruition.
Economic development incentives offered by the ECIDA enable businesses to locate and/or expand in Erie County, keeping Erie County competitive in attracting and retaining high paying, quality jobs and employers. All national, state and local regions offer some type of economic growth incentives to encourage job growth and increase commerical tax revenue.
The ECIDA is sanctioned by New York State to approve and administer the following tax abatements within the borders of Erie County:
term-limited savings on County, Municipal and School property taxes through a PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) provides savings based upon the value added by new construction or major renovation
sales tax savings on the purchase of non production equipment and construction materials
.75% savings on the Erie County mortgage recording fee
Project applications for ECIDA tax incentives are subject to a public review process. To begin your application Apply Here or call Andrew Federick, ECIDA Property Manager and Business Development Officer (716) 856-6525 ext. 128.